If Heaven’s Hypothetical by Impertinence and Shoemaster (NC-17)

Feb 05, 2012 22:50

Title: If Heaven’s Hypothetical
Fandom: Hockey RPF
Pairing: Eric Staal/Jeff Skinner
Categories: Romance, Drama, AU
Length: Epic (63,503 words)
Warnings: None

Author on LJ: shoemaster and impertinence
Author Website: Shoemaster’s profile @ AO3 and Impertinence’s profile @ AO3

Jeff runs away from Toronto and finds himself homeless in Raleigh, where he accidentally starts serving eggs to Eric Staal.

I had three different stories I was debating about all week when trying to decide which one to rec to wrap up AU week here at Epic Recs. Then I happened to see this posted over at AO3 yesterday so I clicked the link and began reading. I was immediately absorbed and lost in the story and didn’t stop reading until 2:30 in the morning. The story stuck with me so much that I went back and re-read parts of the story again today and enjoyed them just as much the second time around.

This is one of those AU stories where one thing is changed and we get to see someone make a different choice and go a different direction, but still end up where they are meant to be. However it’s that one change that makes the journey all the more interesting.

In this story Jeff is young, and scared, and makes a bad decision, then doesn’t know how to undo that wrong decision so he makes the best of a bad situation. I think it’s important to note that there is no sexual abuse in this story. The reason Jeff leaves is not revealed until later in the story, though it’s hinted at throughout, but it is not due to any abuse (I really appreciated the authors including that info up front). And Eric goes out of his way to NOT take advantage of the situation he and Jeff find themselves in, which honestly creates a lot of delicious tension between the boys.

This story is full of pining boys who are AWFUL at dealing with feelings and having a decent conversation with one another, which is great for the reader, and rotten for them. I liked the unrushed pace at which the story unfolded and enjoyed the resolution. The strong family relationships for both characters were amazing (LOVED the Staal brothers ‘meeting’ with Jeff) and bonus points for uber-intense, protective friend with crazy goalie vibes, Cam Ward.

If Heaven’s Hypothetical

genre: romance, genre: au, recs by ficreader1, fandom: hockey rpf, length: epic, genre: drama, pairing: slash

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