Title: What You See Is What You Get
Fandom: Social Network
Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Categories: Fluff, First time
Length: Long (~16000 words)
Warnings: Animal death
Author on LJ:
a_jejune_starAuthor Website: N/A
“Mark’s vaguely amused as he watches Eduardo nest. That’s what it has to be. Mark’s seen bears less maternal than this guy.” Mark and Eduardo adopt a litter of orphaned kittens. Angst and pseudo domestication ensues.
I needed a fluffy pick-me-up fic today, so I went back to read this fic and decided I just had to share it.
Here are some of the characters I enjoy the most : the asshole guy and his long suffering friend getting totally roll over by the external force of fluff named kittens.
I mean how can you resist Mark (and Eduardo) being overwhelmed by the needs of orphaned kittens? You just can't and that's why you just need to surrender and go read this fic now.
Part one Part two