FrankInLove by Miz Watson (PG-13)

Feb 25, 2008 08:29

From Mei:

Title: FrankInLove
Fandom: original (with characters from a mixture of traditional tales and old novels)
Pairing: son of Frankenstein/son of Dracula
Category: romance
Length: long
Warnings: none, seriously

Author on LJ:
Author's Website:

Author's Summary: A modern day romance between monsters. Well, sort of.

Almost all of the reviews that will posted this week are of works on FictionPress, which, you may already know, houses many teenage-angst-filled coming-of-age stories with flat secondary (and even primary) characters. That being said, I've read a few published gay-themed novels, and they are not of much better quality than the good stories on FictionPress.

I don't normally read fairy tales. I don't normally like 'monster' stories. I don't normally like stories involving emo teens. Yet this story somehow completely sucked me in within the first few paragraphs; it's just so, so, so....cute!

In a world where monsters are the, even when they have famous monster parents, still have to go to school. Franklin Stein (a.k.a Frank, son of Frankenstein) and Vlad Dracula (a.k.a Drake, son of Count Dracula) meet on the way to a school field trip. They quickly become friends and hilarity ensues. Notable appearances by Frank's parents, Drake's father and three stepmothers, and soup with eyeballs. Highly recommended.

The author is also working on a spinoff story of sorts with Drake's elder brother as the main character, along with a Phoenix, a demon kitten, and a fire-breathing dragon. That story can be found here.


recs by meishali, genre: vampire, length: long, fandom: original fiction

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