Rubber Ducky, You're the One by Creed_Cascade (R)

Nov 11, 2011 11:13

Sorry for this being a day late. Between LJ acting up and my home internet shutting down on me last night I've been forced to resort to posting from my work. ;P Just don't tell anyone.

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Title: Rubber Ducky, You're the One
Fandom: The Losers
Pairing: Cougar/Jensen
Categories: Dark, Fluff, Family
Length: Medium (4,500)
Warnings: Dark; Discussion of Past child abuse and molestation

Author on LJ: creedfic
Website: Open Air Insane Asylum

Summary: Jensen and Cougar share some down time at his sister’s place. A slice-of-life story showcasing a strange domesticity, with glimpses of Jensen’s disturbing past.

Review: I've wanted to rec this fic for a while, but have been waiting for Creed to put it up on a public archive and now that it has been posted, I recommend that you all go over and try to read it. Mind the warnings though.

Domesticity fic that is only possible in the Losers'verse. With the discussions of rubber ducks as practice dummies. Automatic toilet roll changers and the Jensen family's collective inability to use a blow torch.

Rubber Ducky, You're the One

fandom: the losers, genre: domestic, recs by chibifukurou, length: medium, genre: fluff, genre: dark, pairing: slash, genre: family

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