No Wealth and No Ruin by antistar_e (R)

Oct 25, 2011 21:59

Title: No Wealth and No Ruin.
Fandom: The Social Network/Dead Like Me (with a cameo from Supernatural).
Pairing: Mark/Eduardo.
Categories: Angst, Crossover, Romance.
Length: Epic.
Warnings: Major character deaths (the whole point of the fic), minor character deaths, mentions suicide.

Author on LJ: antistar_e
Author Website: Masterpost at veritasrecords (Writing comm)

Author Summary:
"In which Mark Zuckerberg gets a job, learns important life lessons, makes friends, finds the love of his life, and dies. Not necessarily in that order."

After being bludgeoned to death, Mark Zuckerberg ends up becoming a grim reaper. Under a new identity, he ends up adapting to not one, but two new jobs (turns out the undead don't get paid for liberating souls), making new friends and reconnecting with Eduardo.

I'll preface this review by saying this fic is more of a fusion with "Dead Like Me" which means no knowledge about the series is needed to enjoy it as the characters are all new and the universe is explained to Mark quite thoroughly.

As someone who had no knowledge of DLM before reading this fic, I thoroughly enjoyed the introduction to this universe. Mark's unlife is populated not only by the demands of his new job as a grim reaper, but also by a series of highly interesting OCs (alive, undead and dead) which - while not quite stealing the show - add an extra dimension to the fic.

The romance side of the story is also dealt with perfectly. I really loved the fact that the author dealt with the impact of Mark's death on Eduardo and that while Mark and Eduardo did get involved, undead!Mark was not a carbon-copy substitute for dead!Mark and their similarities were not swept under the rug. It is also very interesting to see Mark's romantic feelings for Eduardo to grow after his death and not simply being there all along.

There were two points in the fic (Mark's somewhat easy acceptance of his new circumstances in the beginning; Eduardo's job before coming back to the US) which I am not sure I buy completely. Other than that, this story was a treat from beginning to end.

No Wealth and No Ruin (Masterpost, fic in eight parts)

genre: romance, genre: angst, fandom: dead like me, genre: crossover, fandom: social network, recs by slytherin_gypsy, pairing: slash, pairing: mark/eduardo

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