Bent by Paths Coincident by Jedi Buttercup (Pg-13)

Oct 07, 2011 00:52

Title: Bent By Paths Coincident
Fandom: Firefly/Leverage
Pairing: Gen
Categories: Angst, AU, Crossover, Dark, Friendship
Length: Short
Warnings: mentions of canonical character death

Author on LJ: jedibuttercup
Website: Jedibuttercup's Ao3 Page

Summary: Mal would recognize the compact, long-haired man in the worn duds anywhere.

Review: In which Parker and River are birds of a feather, Sophie and Inara are Companions, and Eliot never quite grew out of being a brown coat.

A mastermind, and two hitters walk into a bar. For a short fic this story packs a real punch and leaves you wanting more and more. I particulalry like Parker as an academy student. And the number of details Jedi-Buttercup manages to pack inot the story is truly impressive.

Bent By Paths Coincident

genre: friendship, genre: angst, genre: crossover, recs by chibifukurou, pairing: gen, genre: au, fandom: leverage, fandom: firefly, length: short

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