Title: Jeeves and the Artistic Verisimilitude.
Fandom: Jeeves/Wooster.
Pairing: Jeeves/Bertie.
Categories: Angst, Humor, Romance.
Length: Epic (~52,000 words)
Warnings: None.
Author on LJ:
purplefluffycatAuthor Website:
Purple Persian's Pervy Potions Parlour Author's Summary:
"Surely, one would think nothing could be more relaxing for a young Wooster than a week spent by the seaside? - Golf and sand-castle building without an aunt in sight!
One may think so, indeed, but the combination of several 'friends' with their own agendas, a theatrical production and the mysterious designs of my very own valet conspired to make that week spent in Spindleythorpe-on-sea one of the most memorable and life-changing of the lot..."
An influx of Aunts in the metrop. makes Bertie run to the seaside where he ends up being roped into an amateur production of "The Mikado." Between his initial reluctance to appear on stage and the prerequisite accidental engagements, he finally figures out the true nature of his feelings for Jeeves.
The main plot highjinks in "Jeeves and the Artistic Verisimilitude" could have come straight from one of Woodehouse's own stories. Sometimes the plot "mysteries" are a bit *too* obvious, but despite the fact that I often wanted to throttle Bertie for being so oblivious, PurpleFluffyCat managed to capture his voice wonderfully. Add to that a Jeeves at his manipulative best (though perhaps a touch more sentimental than I usually picture him) and a cast of excellently characterized old and original characters and you get a charming Jeeves/Bertie fic.
Jeeves and the Artistic Verisimilitude (in eight LJ posts)