Ways to Die in the Pegasus Galaxy by Crysothemis (NC-17)

Sep 06, 2011 07:28

Title: Ways to Die in the Pegasus Galaxy.
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis.
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard.
Categories: Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
Length: Long (~18,000).
Warnings: None.

Author on LJ: crysothemis
Author Website: Chez Crysothemis

After missions where John's life is in jeopardy, Rodney starts crawling into John's bed. John - despite vehemently denying thinking about Rodney "like that" - starts endangering himself on purpose just so he can get to sleep beside him.

The whole "getting injured (deliberately or subconsciously) to gain affection" trope has long been popular in certain slash (and particularly smarm) fandoms. In "Ways to Die..." we have John going from trying to discourage what he sees as clear signs of Rodney's romantic feelings (which he supposedly does not reciprocate) to creating situations that encourage Rodney's actions. Though he recognizes how self-destructive this behavior is, the slow awakening of his feelings and his inability (and Rodney's) to talk about what is really going on makes me a bit sympathetic when I would otherwise simply want to throttle him.

I love crysothemis's writing and I particularly enjoyed her Rodney and his true motivations in this fic, which is a lovely example of classic H/C.

Ways to Die in the Pegasus Galaxy

genre: angst, pairing: mckay/sheppard, genre: hurt/comfort, length: long, fandom: stargate atlantis, recs by slytherin_gypsy, genre: science fiction, pairing: slash

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