No Way to Treat a... Series by Tinnean (NC-17)

Jul 07, 2007 11:58

Title: No Way to Treat a... Series (by Tinnean)
Fandom: The Sentinel
Pairing: Jim/Blair
Categories: Historical AU (1960's), mystery, drama
Length: super!Epic
Warnings: beastiality (minor)

Author on LJ: n/a?
author Website:

Because of the author's notes, I know that the first two stories in this series were based on No Way to Treat a Lady, which I've never seen. It's hard to imagine that it's better than these fics, however, because they're extraordinary.

In the first story we get a quick sprint through Jim's life: kicked out by his father for being gay, sent to military school, became a hustler in NYC, got out of the business and started working in security (with Simon Banks as his boss). It's a little rushed, but that's okay -- Tinnean's just getting through the necessary exposition so we can spend more time on Jim and Blair.

And, boy, do we get more time with them. The second fic is from Blair's POV, starts at Blair's childhood until it catches up with the end of No Way To Treat a Sentinel, and lasts for 600 K. Blair is a cop trying to find a serial killer who is targeting gay men, one of whom is from Jim's past. Unlike most fanfic mystery plots, this story is very well designed, with multiple layers, several plot twists, and a satisfying conclusion. And, needless to say, the development of Jim and Blair's relationship is kick-ass as well. Authentic, fascinating, and surprisingly sweet, this is a good story for anyone who wants to settle in and enjoy an engaging mystery.

BTW, for those who (like me) are seriously turned off by beastiality, I just want to reassure you that the beastiality is minor, occurs only during a couple of dream sequences, and is highly symbolic (gee, I wonder who the panther represents?) Those scenes are also very short and if you wanted to skip right over them (which I tend to do when rereading this fic), it wouldn't hurt your enjoyment of the story.

No Way to Treat a Sentinel
No Way to Treat a Guide
Goin' Courtin' (sort of like a clip episode of the first two -- only included because I have an anal retentive need for completeness)

genre: au, fandom: sentinel, recs by jane, length: epic, genre: drama, genre: prostitute, pairing: blair/jim

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