Title: Learn To Fall by wildforce71
Fandom: SyFy’s Alice
Pairing: Alice/Hatter
Categories: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Length: Medium
Warnings: n/a
Author on LJ:
wild_force71Website: n/a
Even in Wonderland, fairytales haven't come true in a long time. Alice and Hatter face their Happy Ever After.
This fic turned out to be one of those stories I never knew I wanted until after I finished reading it. Simple and to the point, it explores what life is like after the happily-ever-after in the mini-series, with Alice and Hatter both taking mostly stumbling steps towards their own happy-ending. Though relatively short, every scene in this fic has an impact, driving home the fact that even though their story has all the elements it needs to be a fairytale, it isn’t…and sometimes that’s better.
Learn To Fall