Title: Four People Who Got the Job (and One Who Didn’t).
Fandom: Stargate: SG-1 / Stargate: Atlantis.
Pairing: Gen.
Categories: Crossover.
Length: Medium.
Warnings: None.
Author on LJ:
2ndary_authorAuthor Website: n/a
A series of SGC/SGA new-hire interviews, in the vein of the author's older fic
Sixty-Eight Whiskey. I love the somewhat unorthodox interviews conducted by McKay, Sheppard and (though it doesn't start as such at first) O'Neill. The OCs that have been crafted for the fic are wonderful, though we only see a glimmer of their potential. It's quite interesting to see the SGC and its requirements through the eyes of those not yet aware of what exactly is behind the program. Even though this isn't a long or plot-driven fic, it is a clever idea that got executed perfectly.
Four People Who Got the Job (and One Who Didn’t).