Title: The Demented'verse
Fandom: Supernatural / Harry Potter (brief crossover with Sherlock BBC)
Pairing: gen, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermoine
Categories: crossover, angst, drama, humor
Length: Super Epic (~247,000 words)
Warnings: character death, spoilers through Supernatural season 5 finale "Swan Song"
Author on LJ:
hells_half_acreAuthor Website:
Master List of Fic /
hells_half_acre Summary:
Damned Demented Demons: Harry Potter saves the Winchesters from a Dementor attack, but the Winchesters aren't the only ones that need protecting.
Vile Violent Vacations: Harry invents a ruse in order to trick the Winchesters into visiting London for a much needed vacation, only it turns out he really does need their help.
This is a truly epic, long, satisfying crossover series, that gives equal respect to both the Harry Potter and Supernatural fandoms.
The meat of the story takes place in Damned Demented Demons and Vile Violent Vacations, with the other stories filling in between and afterwards. In the first of the series, the Winchesters run into Harry and they work together to defeat a new threat, in the form of a mass migration of Dementors to the United States.
hells_half_acre cleverly meshes the two canons, explaining inconsistencies between the 'verses and combining them in the same world. We also see a mature Harry, leader of the Aurors and a father and husband.
In Vile Violent Vacations, Dean and Sam are burned out and Harry and friends decide they need some down-time and invite them for a visit to England and the Winchesters end up helping unravel a series of attacks. This story leans more toward angst, with less humor than the first, and I really liked the complex story and characterizations. There's a lot of prejudice to overcome (the Winchesters have had bad experience with magic users, and hunters have bad reputations in the magical world), and Sam and Dean are both coping with some traumatic experiences. The scenes with Sam and Dean with Harry's children and other young relatives are particularly fun.
"Two Hunters, a Wizard Family, and the World's Only Consulting Detective Walk into a Cafe..." could almost be read as a stand-alone, with Sherlock and John of Sherlock BBC observing the Potters and Winchesters in a restaurant sometime during Vacations, and is a bit of fun fluff.
"The Letter" and "To Being Half A Person" both deal with character death issues and amp up the pathos, so if that's not your thing, you may want to steer clear, but they a both very well written.
An intense and clever series, that shockly hues close to the canon of two disparate sources.
The Demented'verse Master Post on LJ or
Demented'verse series page on AO3 Damned Demented Demons: Chapter 1 |
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Interlude |
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32 Bobby and Hermione - An Epistolary Fic Vile Violent Vacations: Chapter 1 |
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30 Two Hunters, a Wizard Family, and the World's Only Consulting Detective Walk into a Cafe... The Letter To Being Half A Person The Most Noble...