Hero For A New Age by Smitty (PG)

Jun 14, 2011 20:19

Title: Hero For A New Age.
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis.
Pairing: Gen.
Categories: Friendship.
Length: Long.
Warnings: None.

Author on LJ: smittywing
Author Website: Smittyworld

As Ronon comes to accept Atlantis as his permanent home, he begins to show an interest in one particular Earth commodity - comic books - and in how the stories they tell relate to himself and those around him.

There are a couple of things that I really appreciate in the SGA fandom: the fact that you can find a lot of really well written gen fics and that there are great stories focusing on characters that in other fandoms would have been relegated to mere support roles, despite their incredible potential. "Hero for a New Age" combines these two things, telling a wonderful story about Ronon through his friendship with Rodney and their mutual appreciation of comic books. Using the aforementioned comic books as a major plot device could have made the story be nothing but an overabundance of clichés and pop references, but Smitty never lets it come even close to that. The parallels drawn between the comic book characters and the Atlantis personnel are insightful and the way the storyline culminates ties the entire concept very neatly. All in all, this is a well written fic that should be appreciated even by those who are not comics' fans.

Hero For A New Age (pt. 1) (pt. 2)

genre: friendship, recs by slytherin_gypsy, fandom: stargate atlantis, genre: science fiction, length: long, pairing: gen

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