Title: History, Repeating Itself
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
Pairing: Sherlock/Watson, Irene/Mycroft
Categories: Action/Adventure, AU, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Length: Epic
Warnings: recreational drug use
Author on LJ: n/a (?)
Website: n/a (?)
John Watson is a med student, a war veteran, and, by and large, a fairly sensible person. He had every chance to run.
This is one of those AU’s that completely speaks for itself and I mean that in a ‘go read it now’ way. Filled with the same trials and tribulations we know and love from the original Holmes’verse, History, Repeating Itself is a charming mix of quirky humor, fast-paced action, and rampant unpredictability. Though it might be argued that the author has taken too many liberties with the characters themselves, I found myself delighting in every new twist and turn and wishing for more, even when it was over.
History, Repeating Itself