Mosaic, Piece by Piece by china_shop (NC-17)

May 28, 2011 12:30

Not technically part of theme week but I'm posting anyway! Posting on behalf of jane_elliot:

Title: Mosaic, Piece by Piece by china_shop
Fandom: Due South
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski/Vecchio
Categories: angst, post-canon
Length: Long (~25,000 words)

Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ: china_shop

After he and Stella get divorced, Ray Vecchio heads up to Canada to visit Fraser and Kowalski. Which is more complicated than one might expect, because Fraser is Vecchio's ex and Kowalski doesn't know that little fact.

I'm still easing my way into threesomes, but one thing I've noticed thus far is how easily three different people find themselves paired together in fanfic. And don't get me wrong, I like characters who are secure enough in themselves that they can just jump into an unconventional relationship without a qualm, but at the same time it's nice to have a fic where going from a twosome to a threesome isn't quite so simple.

Mosaic is all about the challenges three people face when two of them are together and one isn't. It's a bit raw, it's a bit painful at times, and because it's all so very *difficult* that when the three finally do manage to get together, the end result is very, very satisfying. Especially since Vecchio and Kowalski aren't at each other's throats (a personal kink of mine). If you're in the mood for a threesome fic where all sailing is not smooth and angst abounds, this is the fic for you.

Mosaic, Piece by Piece

fandom: due south, genre: angst, recs by jane, pairing: slash, pairing: threesome, length: long, genre: post-canon

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