Five Families Connor Was Not ... by annakovsky (PG)

May 13, 2011 20:51

Posting on behalf of slyprentice

Title: Five Families Connor Was Not Magically Squeezed Into After His Real Vampire Dad Slit His Throat
Fandom: Angel, Buffy, Harry Potter, Arrested Development, The OC, Supernatural
Pairing: Gen
Categories: Crossover, Humor, Family
Length: Medium
Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ: annakovsky
Website: n/a

Summary: The title really says it all in terms of summary.

When it comes to ‘five things’ fic, I’m sure it’s all been said, for the good and for the bad, and I won’t necessarily argue for one side or the other. What I will say in this case, however, is this is one of those fics that I re-read often if not just for the fact that each and every scenario given, no matter how outlandish, seems plausible. Whether it’s Connor being George Michael’s brother or a squib in a family of Weasleys, the author does a wonderful job of doing exactly what the title says: magically squeezing Connor into a place he shouldn’t be and making it work.

Five Families Connor Was Not…

fandom: small fandom, genre: humor, genre: crossover, fandom: harry potter, fandom: angel the series, fandom: oc, recs by slyprentice, pairing: gen, fandom: supernatural, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, genre: family

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