Five Things That Never Happened to Kira Nerys by Rocky (PG-13)

May 03, 2011 20:54

Title: Five Things That Never Happened to Kira Nerys.
Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Pairing: Gen.
Categories: AU.
Length: Medium (~6,930 words).
Warnings: Original and major character deaths, description of canon-compliant acts of the Bajoran occupation and resistance.

Author on LJ: rocky_t
Author Website: Rocky's Road

Five paths Kira's life might have taken: justice, fortitude, hope, faith and charity.

There are a lot of people that are not fond of the "Five Things" format for fics. While I agree that it has been overused in certain fandoms and that it can be an extremely limited way of telling a story, I think that a well done "Five Things" fic can be an excellent way of addressing a multitude of "what-if" scenarios.

What I love about this story is that the scenarios, besides being very well written, are incredibly plausible: I can definitely see Kira clinging to the Resistance in the face of what she perceives as a second occupation with the Federation taking the place of Cardassians and events in key episodes such as "Behind the Lines" taking a different path. All in all this is a well crafted story that explores many facets of the character.

Five Things That Never Happened to Kira Nerys

genre: au, recs by slytherin_gypsy, genre: science fiction, length: medium, fandom: star trek deep space nine, pairing: gen

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