Pineapple of Hospitality by Ms. Teragram (PG)

Jan 29, 2011 15:14

Title: Pineapple of Hospitality
Fandom: Psych
Pairing: Shawn/Lassiter
Categories: humor, family
Length: medium (~12,000 words)
Warnings: none

Author on LJ: tera-gram
Author Website: profile

Summary: After three weeks of sex, Shawn wants to broach the possibility of dating. His plans are complicated by the arrival of Lassiter’s brother.

Review: I was kind of iffy on the premise of the fic at first, but there were some absolutely fantastic lines from Shawn, Lassiter, and Gus - hilarious and exactly the kind of things you'd hear on the actual show. Lassiter's jealousy is very in-character, and it's interesting to see him with a brother who's his complete opposite in many ways (if you're vehemently opposed to OCs, you might not love this fic; Lassiter's brother Derek is based on "Lassiter's blog entry at the USA network website where he mentions having a brother who surfs" according to the author, but for all intents and purposes he's an original character.)

The only spoiler listed is for an episode from the second season, so don't expect this story to have anything to do with what's actually going on in the series at this point. However, if you want something with great Psych-style one-liners and situations, then this fic is perfect.

Pineapple of Hospitality (
Pineapple of Hospitality (livejournal)

genre: humor, pairing: lassiter/shawn, recs by girlofjuly, genre: family, fandom: psych

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