Dead Bodies Are Never Part of the Plan by serene_quill (NC-17)

Dec 12, 2010 07:59

Title: Dead Bodies Are Never Part of the Plan
Fandom: Castle
Pairing: Javier Esposito/Kevin Ryan
Categories: angst, case file
Length: Medium (~10,000 words)
Warnings: character death

Author on LJ: serene_quill
Author Website: ?

Ever wonder where Ryan and Esposito met? Ryan used to be undercover in a drug ring and Esposito used to bring him in for questioning.

This is really a cute story. It’s split about evenly between past and present, which actually works out really well for this one. Every time the backstory starts to get a bit heavy, it’s switched to a present full of Castle’s silly witticisms. All in all, a very enjoyable read in a very enjoyable fandom.

Dead Bodies Are Never Part of the Plan

genre: angst, pairing: slash, genre: case file, recs by cheetahanabel, length: medium, fandom: castle

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