Straight Up Chicago Style; Any Place You'll Allow by airgiodslv (NC-17)

Dec 09, 2010 06:39

Title: Straight Up Chicago Style; Any Place You’ll Allow
Fandom: Bandom
Pairing: William/Gabe, Pete/Ryland, Frank/Gerard, Brendon/Ryan
Categories: angst, AU, established relationship, humor, stripper
Length: Epic (Straight Up Chicago Style ~20,000; Any Place You’ll Allow ~21,000 words)
Warnings: exhibitionism, hints of partner betrayal

Author on LJ: airgiodslv
Author Website: Master Bandslash Fic List

Rogues & Queens, the hottest little strip-joint in Chicago, is ready for expansion. Gabe shows up to decide whether or not he wants to invest in this enterprise. While there, he meets William. A few months later, Gerard wanders into the club thinking it’s a comic book store. For some reason Frank finds that kind of endearing.

‘Straight Up Chicago Style’ was one of those fics that I simply avoided reading for the fact that it’s stripper fic, if nothing else. And then I read it. And lo, it was crazy, awesome and hot. Unlike practically every other stripper fic out there, it focused on actual character driven plot and story line instead of myriads of really over-described strip-teases. All of the characters were well developed, and the relationship was really kind of sweet.

And then there’s ‘Any Place You’ll Allow,’ which is somehow even better than the original story. It has the addition of the brothers Way, which admittedly improves any story. And it has writing that simply blows my mind. The three interwoven plots are just done so seamlessly, it’s a wonder to read. Highly recommended.

Straight Up Chicago Style
Any Place You’ll Allow

genre: angst, genre: humor, genre: established relationship, recs by cheetahanabel, genre: au, length: epic, fandom: bandom, pairing: frank/gerard, pairing: slash

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