RR -- Farewell, theficklepickle!

Sep 25, 2010 12:00

After a year with us, theficklepickle shall be stepping down as a regular reccer. Let's send her off with some recs for some of her favorite pairings:

- Batman/Jim Gordon (Batman Begins universe)
- Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (Marvel Comics)
- Danny/Martin (Without A Trace)
- Jack/Sayid (Lost)

Fics featuring any of Kenneth Branagh's characters are also much appreciated.

Things to keep in mind:
-Recced stories can be any length (and in the case of KB's characters, any fandom, and any pairing), as long as they fit the theme
-You don't need to write a review (unless you want to). All that you need to include are title, author, and link to the story (all parts if there are more than one).
-Stories as a single file are preferred, if available.

Have at it!

Today's Topic: Farewell, theficklepickle!

Previous RR topics can be found here.

recs by our readers

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