Fumbling Towards Ecstasy by HG and Cherilyn (NC-17)

Sep 25, 2010 07:01

Title: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy by HG and Cherilyn
Fandom: The Fugitive (movie)
Pairing: Kimble/Gerard
Categories: Romance, angst
Length: Super-epic (132,000+ words)
Warning: None
Rating: NC-17

Authors on LJ: Unknown
Website: Bunnyfic

Summary: The killer of Richard Kimble's wife has been found, the one-armed man arrested, the conspiracy unmasked ... but if he thinks his life is going to return to normal now, he's very much mistaken.

Review: As this is my final week of reccing here, I've decided to save the best for last. Deputy Marshal Sam Gerard crosses paths with Dr Richard Kimble once again when Kimble receives a number of mysterious threats and ends up obliged to share a safe house with Gerard and his 'kids'. It's the beginning of a process in which Kimble and Gerard discover one another as individuals, as colleagues, as friends and ... gradually, and not without incident ... as lovers. We are treated to in-depth portraits of both men, and learn a lot about their back-stories and relationships, their attitudes and aspirations; they are so obviously suited to one another that the few practical difficulties standing in the way of their relationship seem almost inconsequential, and it is plain that once they are together they will stay together for the rest of their lives.

If I have a criticism of this story it is that the crime plot - the sequence of threats which brings them together - is perhaps under-developed when set against the lovingly detailed romance, but this is only a minor complaint. On the whole what we have here is immaculately researched fiction, written with skill, and displaying an obvious affection not only for the main characters but also for the walk-ons who play minor roles in the saga.

In my opinion this is one of the best-written pieces of fan-fiction in existence anywhere. It first appeared in zine form back in 1997 and was in an all-time 'Top Ten' I prepared some years ago, and it would be there again today; simply speaking, work this good stands the test of time and transcends the fashionability or otherwise of the fandom it represents.

If your preference is for plot-and-character heavy slash fiction (albeit with a healthy dose of hot, sweet manloving for dessert), you cannot go wrong with this expertly-delivered novel which does full justice to the source material and the characters on which it is based. Even if The Fugitive is not one of your preferred fandoms, I would still recommend Fumbling Towards Ecstasy simply as a good, solid, enjoyable read which will appeal to discerning slash fans everywhere.

Link: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy

genre: romance, fandom: small fandom, recs by theficklepickle, genre: angst, length: super!epic, pairing: slash

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