Title: The Dallas Deception
Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Categories: angst, AU, drama, harlequin, virgin, (there’s also perceived prostitution)
Length: Long (~25,000)
Warnings: possible past abuse
Author on LJ:
aynsleeAuthor Website:
List of Fics Review:
Jared is the best personal assistant any boss can have. When he starts working for Jensen, everything is smooth sailing-until Chris and his big fat mouth enter the picture.
There are several things I don’t love about this fic. The premise is totally unbelievable, granted that’s pretty common for harlequin fic. There’s not a good group of supporting characters. I don’t really get the timeline…I get what the author was going for, but it falls a little short.
Now let’s focus on the positives. Jensen and Jared’s backgrounds are both well-drawn and believable. Both of the boys are completely in character. The angst is top-notch. The writing in general is impeccable, and although this isn’t one of my top-ten favorite stories, it’s definitely in my top 100.
The Dallas Deception