Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round by Annie D (PG-13)

Sep 13, 2010 13:49

Title: Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round by Annie D
Fandom: Die Hard 4
Pairing: John/Matt pre-slash
Categories: action, drama, AU
Length: Long (~25,000 words)
Warnings: quite a few typos (that might be the fault of ff.net); character death (of nameless, faceless extras)

Author on DW: http://scaramouche.dreamwidth.org/
Website: http://fanspam.orcein.net/main-fanfic.htm

John reluctantly returns to LA for some sort of presentation that Lucy's doing. Shockingly enough, bad things happen. A fusion with Speed.

Now this is how a fusion is done. Annie takes the basic plot of Speed, gives it several Die Hard twists and then switches the character POVs so that nearly all of the dialogue is original. The end result is a fun fast ride that goes in unexpected places and takes a few pokes at some of the ridiculous bits of both canons (flying buses, anyone?) The ending is a little abrupt, but aside from that this is a great DH4 adventure story.

Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round (ff.net)

fandom: small fandom, genre: pre-slash, genre: crossover, genre: action/adventure, pairing: john mcclane/matt farrell, length: long, genre: au, genre: drama, recs by jane, pairing: slash, fandom: live free or die hard (dh4)

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