Scenes From a Marriage by elementalv (NC-17)

Sep 13, 2010 09:56

Title: Scenes From a Marriage by elementalv
Fandom: Due South (with cameos from The Sentinel and The Dresden Files)
Pairing: RayV/RayK
Categories: drama, humor, crossover, virgin (to gay sex)
Length: Long (~16,600 words)
Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ: n/a?

Some are born to be Guides, and some are dragged to it kicking and screaming. Ray Vecchio is one of the latter.

This was the first Ray/Ray fic I ever read and it got me hooked on the pairing. Lots of griping, lots of sniping, lots of put-upon huffing, all of which doesn't do a damn thing to hide the fact that both Rays secretly like each other a hell of a lot and are fantastic partners. I was most impressed with the characterizations: Vecchio and Kowalski are very distinct characters in this fic, both are pitch-perfect, and Vecchio especially is nothing short of brilliant.

The ending to the story is very abrupt (it really needed at least one more chapter to feel complete), but that is made up for by the sheer awesomeness of the fic as a whole and for chapters with titles like "666 is the Number of the Sentinel". A very amusing fusion.

Scenes From a Marriage

fandom: sentinel, genre: humor, genre: crossover, length: long, fandom: due south, genre: virgin, fandom: dresden files, genre: drama, recs by jane, pairing: slash

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