It's a Long Way to Zanzibar by facetofcathy (NC-17)

Sep 06, 2010 12:20

Title: It's a Long Way to Zanzibar by facetofcathy
Fandom: Leverage
Pairing: Parker/Eliot/Alec
Categories: drama, smut, angst
Length: Medium (~11,600 words)
Warnings: n/a

Author on Dreamwidth:
Website: n/a

Alec, Elliot, and Parker (and Parker's yarn monster) go on a road trip and learn a few things (lesson #31: *Never* let Parker near a country fair).

I'm a huge sucker for this OT3 and there aren't nearly enough long(-ish) fics featuring the three of them together (especially with no Nate or Sophie (or Tara)) in sight. If you like unabashed smut, if you like Parker being completely inscrutable, if you like Alec being confident and kick-ass, and if you like Eliot realizing that he is *totally* outnumbered, then you should definitely give this fic a try.

It's a Long Way to Zanzibar

fandom: leverage, genre: angst, recs by jane, genre: drama, pairing: threesome, length: medium

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