Nerds of the earth, take note! by Betty and Emeraldwoman (PG-13)

Sep 06, 2010 12:25

Title: Nerds of the earth, take note!
Fandom: Marvel Universe/Leverage
Pairing: gen
Categories: Humor, Action/Adventure
Length: Medium (~8000 words)
Warnings: n/a

Authors: brown-betty and emeraldwoman
Website: n/a

Summary: Warning: the Turing test was harmed in the production of this motion picture.

Hardison is taken to hack Extremis, what’s not to love about that? I loved his narration and the interplay between the two canons. Hardison is both hilarious and seriously geeky, which is how I love him ☺.

Nerds of the earth, take note!

fandom: leverage, genre: humor, genre: action/adventure, fandom: marvel mcu, recs by lolitakun, length: medium

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