Looking for guest reccers...

Nov 13, 2007 10:00

I've been hinting at this for a while now and no one's raised any objections, so I thought I'd give it a try.

I'm looking for guest reccers, primarily those interested in fandoms that I don't currently rec in (Supernatural, Heroes, Harry Potter, and anime are fandoms I'm especially interested in adding).  Each reccer will get a week long trial run, and if that goes well will be added to a list of future guest reccers.  What happens next will depend on how long the list is, but it will probably result in a new guest reccer each month.  Once I see the level of interest, I'll have more details.

Important note: this is not intended to replace my own recs, but to supplement them.  Ideally this is a way to increase the number of recs and fandoms available on this community.  If you have any questions, issues, and/or suggestions about this change, please let me know.

Guidelines for guest reccers:
-Epic Recs is designed to appeal to those readers interested in long first-time fics with happy endings.  This does not mean that every fic you rec has to meet these parameters, but if you rec a fic that does not, you should indicate this in the warnings (you've probably noticed I always include 'established relationship' in warnings if applicable) and/or in the review itself.

-Recs must be accompanied by a review.  There is no word limit to the review, but it must include (at the very least) a short summary of the story and details about why you like it.  You may post an excerpt if you want, but it cannot replace the review.  Also, please use correct grammar and punctuation and do not use fandom-specific words (especially portmanteau names, i.e., combinations of two character names to indicate their relationship like McShep or Wincest).

-You may not review your own fic or the fic of your friends (however, you may send said fic to me and I might rec it).

-It's not always possible to find long (which is, for the purposes of this community, at least 100 KB) or epic-length (at least 250 KB) fic, but you should make an effort for at least half of your recs to be that length.  Try to avoid reccing anything under 2,000 words or 20 KB.

-To be chosen as a permanent and/or recurring guest reccer, you must post at least three recs during your trial week.  At the end of the week, I'll ask folks to send me an e-mail with their opinions and I'll let you know within a week if you've been chosen to be added to the guest reccer list.

-If you're interested in a trial run, please e-mail me at janethunder (at) gmail (dot) com.

Good luck!


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