Lost Hopes by Miyuki (NC17)

Jun 24, 2010 16:34

Title: Lost Hope
Fandom: Inuyasha
Pairing: Inuyasha/Kouga
Categories: Angst, AU, Dark, Family, Mpreg, Romance
Length: Super-Epic (120,500)
Warnings: Mpreg, Consent Issues, Miscarriage, Character Bashing,

Author on LJ: n/a
Website: Miyuki's Fan Fiction Page

Review: I waffled back and forth about reccing this story. While compelling, this story deals with a lot of controversial and uncomfortable situations. I decided to rec it mainly because of the world-building Miyuki seems to excel in. One of the problems I have with Inuyasha fiction is the fact that the demons are generally characterized as basically human with some darker qualities. In Lost Hopes, the demon subculture is shown in depth, almost to the exclusion of the canon characters and subplots.

Unfortunately, in order to separate this story from canon time-line Miyuki uses a devastatingly bad break up between Kagome and Inuyasha that culminates in Inuyasha having a miscarriage. Miyuki also uses Kagome as a foil in the later part of the story. She's the one who just can't understand demon culture and feels the need to point out how 'wrong' Kouga and Inuyasha's relationship is. This borderline character bashing gets tiresome but is thankfully easy to skim over as its not an essential part of the main plot.

While I have some problems with the characterization of the fic, Lost Hope is one of the more realistic, if dark M-pregs I've read. I particularly like the fact that the pregnancy isn't shown as being all sunshine and roses, with a little bit of morning sickness thrown in. The strain it puts on Kouga and Inuyasha's relationship is obvious and understandable and their confusion over how to handle the babies is amusing.

Lost Hope

genre: angst, recs by chibifukurou, genre: au, genre: sad_stories, length: super!epic, genre: mpreg, fandom: inuyasha, pairing: slash, genre: dark, genre: family

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