Paraskavedekatriaphobia by g0shawk (PG)

Jun 14, 2010 07:21

FYI, apparently Fanfiction Downloader has just been updated! I haven't had a chance to try it myself yet, but hopefully everything is now working smoothly.

Title: Paraskavedekatriaphobia by g0shawk
Fandom: Psych
Pairing: Shawn/Lassiter
Categories: case file, established relationship, drama, humor
Length: Medium (~13,000 words)
Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ: g0shawk 
Website: n/a

When Friday the 13th rolls around, Shawn and co find themselves helping a man who's having a *very* bad day. At the same time, Lassiter's starting to wonder if his 'sex without seriousness' relationship with Shawn is really working.

I have a tough time with most Psych fic, because a lot of it is really freaking depressing. Fortunately, this fic is not one of those. The case file is appropriately wacky and fun, the relationship between Shawn and Lassiter has just enough angst to give it flavor, the banter is sparkling, and the Shawn-voice is spot-on. Ideal for anyone who is looking for a fic that could be an episode of the show, except a bit more slashy.


genre: humor, genre: established relationship, length: medium, genre: drama, recs by jane, pairing: lassiter/shawn, genre: case file, fandom: psych

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