Burden of Sin by Gozilla (PG13)

May 20, 2010 01:45

Title: Burden of Sin, Dragon of Fire and Blindness and ICe
Fandom: Yu-Yu-Hakusho
Pairing: Gen
Categories: Angst,Family, Friendship, Post-Cannon, Sad Story
Length: Long (30,000)
Warnings: Sort of a Deathfic

Author on LJ: n/a
Website: Gozilla

Review: One of the simple truths of the Yu-Yu-Hakusho fandom is that Hiei will do anything for his twin sister, Yukina. The first story in this series ,Burden of Sin, works off this premise. Yukina accidently loses control of her powers and kills a human. The punishment for which is death. Unwilling to let Yukina die Hiei takes her place. What follows is a touching story of friendship and sibling love in the face of death. Luckily, the story still has a happy ending.

The second story in the series, Dragon of Fire and Ice follows soon after the first story and starts with Hiei getting his spirit egg. Then it takes a turn for the serious as a gang of demon thugs tries to use Yukina to find the island on which Yukina and Hiei’s family lives. The story becomes an Action adventure as the team fights to save Yukina and defeat the thugs.

The third story in the series, Blindness, takes place a few years after the second story. Hiei is now living almost completely in Demon World and is one of the Demon Lord’s right hand man. It is a mix of a survival and reunion story as Hiei finds his way back to the family, who threw him out at birth.

Gozilla’s trilogy is one of my favorite Yu-yu-Hakisho series. It is well paced, never slowing down enough to grow dull or speeding up to the point of loosing it’s suspense. While it’s a bit cliché and there is never any real doubt that each of the stories is going to end happily, it is still as solid and emotional series.

Burden of Sin
Dragon of Fire and Ice

genre: friendship, fandom: small fandom, genre: angst, genre: action/adventure, recs by chibifukurou, length: long, pairing: gen, genre: sad_stories, genre: family, genre: post-canon

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