Survivors by Dyce (R)

May 18, 2010 07:10


Title: Survivors by Dyce
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hermione/Snape
Categories: hurt/comfort, drama, Harlequin
Length: Epic (~48,000 words)
Warnings: written before book 6; disfigurement due to pre-story torture; not terribly explicit self-harm; extremely oblique references to pre-story rape; reference to pregnancy (*sigh*) in the epilogue

Author on LJ: n/a
Website: n/a

Three months after Voldemort is defeated, Hermione realizes that no one has seen Severus Snape in months. It takes a while, but she finds him on Spinner's End, doing his best to kill himself through neglect. Grieving over Ron (who died in the war) and not quite ready to face the world, Hermione undertakes the project of Keeping Severus Snape Alive, while at the same time working through her post-war issues.

This is the hurt/comfort fic to end all hurt/comfort fics. In this version of the war, Snape was discovered to be a traitor and severely tortured by Voldemort and company. He did survive, but he's terribly disfigured and (unsurprisingly) suffering from severe depression as well as PTSD. Hermione's scars are less visible, but she's got plenty of issues of her own. This combination could have turned melodramatic and maudlin, but fortunately Dyce kept both Hermione and Snape firmly in character and her writing restrained. The end result is a realistic, potent story of two hurt people finding ways to heal, with each other's help.

If you're looking for crushing angst and purple prose, this is not the fic for you. However, if you are in the mood for a quiet, potent, and deeply satisfying story of healing and slow-building affection, you should give Survivors a try.


genre: harlequin, pairing: hermione/snape, recs by jane, length: epic, genre: drama, fandom: harry potter, genre: hurt/comfort

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