Title: Quickening Days by Mercurial Wit aka Fahye
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Categories: repeating time, action, fluff, humor
Length: Long (~22,000 words)
Warnings: n/a
Author on LJ:
mercurial_wit Website: n/a
Arthur and Merlin start repeating the same day over and over again. This leads to many things, including Arthur Finds Out, pillow fights, and battles with annoyingly cryptic dragons.
I love a good repeating time fic and this is an excellent one. You've got the mystery behind why time is repeating, Arthur being annoying but not evil, Merlin being Merlin, and Gauis disapproving of pretty much all of the above. An entertaining (and surprisingly plotty) bit of time-twisting fun.
Quickening Days