#10 (Thank goodness for the Harry Potter fandom and its plethora of super-duper epics.)
Title: Bond by Anna Fugazzi
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Categories: bonding, angst, harlequin, hurt/comfort, virgin
Length: Very Freaking Epic (~175,000 words)
Warnings: n/a
Author on LJ:
annafugazzi Website: n/a
One day Harry and Draco walk through a door that just happens to have a marriage curse on it. And not just any old marriage curse -- this one has some unexpected consequences that could potentially kill Harry and Draco. That is, of course, if said nitwits don't manage to kill each other first.
First, a warning: the first couple of chapters of this fic are difficult to get through as Anna goes waaay overboard in making Draco a dick (which doesn't really make much sense, as it's not very Slytherin to piss off and alienate the person you're stuck with for the rest of your life). If you can get past those chapters, however, you'll find a wonderful bonding fic with two enemies that *don't* fall in love right away and who have to put in considerable effort to just get along, much less learn to like each other.
There are a lot of aspects of this story I really like, from the realistic approach to the involuntary bonding (Harry and Draco spend the bulk of the story under close medical supervision, which makes sense seeing as they're both being affected by massive amounts of magic that has physical and psychological side effects) to the plot, which has layer upon layer and which is memorable enough that even a year after reading this fic for the first time I still remembered (and was impressed with) all of the twists and turns. My favorite aspect of the story, however, is the careful attention applied to the intricate politics of the Slytherins -- not all Slytherins are good and not all are bad and their morality isn't necessarily in line with whether or not they agree with Voldemort's stated beliefs. If you like clear-cut lines between the good guys and the bad guys, then this isn't the story for you. If you're open to characters with ambiguous morality, you're in for a treat.
Long, plotty, and full of well-drawn characters (especially Pansy), Bond is a perfect fit for anyone who is a fan of Slytherins or of bonding fic in general.