She Watched His Footprints Upon the Earth by humansrsuperior (PG-13)

Apr 11, 2010 17:19

Title: She Watched His Footprints Upon the Earth
Author: humansrsuperior
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Category/genres: Drama, Angst, Romance, AU
Length: Medium (4,349 words)
Warnings: None
Author's Website / LJ name / Links:
At the Author’s LJ

Author's Summary: If she’d been paying enough attention, she would have noticed that none of it reached his eyes, that his smile was just a little dim, that he was holding her hand just a little too tightly. But she hadn’t seen them, had missed the warning signs completely.

Part of the reason this story is so gripping is because, like Rose, you don’t want to believe that the Doctor is capable of this sort of thing… yet, at the same time, it’s completely believable that he would, he’s so determined to make himself miserable. This is a great little fix-it AU, a bit unrealistically fluffy at the end but still very sweet and very well-written.

genre: romance, fandom: dr who, genre: angst, recs by k_puff, pairing: doctor/rose, length: medium, genre: au, genre: drama

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