Title: Ivory and Horn
taraljcRating: PG
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Nine/Rose
Category/genres: romance, adventure, hurt/comfort
Length: Medium (11,074)
Warnings: none
Author's Website / LJ name / Links:
At Teaspoon At the author’s LJ Author's Summary: A quiet walk across the ice fields of Kos turns into more than either the Doctor or Rose planned for.
The beginning of this fic is a bit rough, but it really picks up after Nine storms off from he and Rose’s fight. Even after they’ve fought, it’s really touching to see how Rose and Nine are so adamantly fighting to save each other, without regard to their own happiness or personal safety. I don’t want to spoil anything, so I’ll stop here, but suffice to say that it’s an excellently-paced, well-characterized, well-thought out adventure fic. It’s definitely a re-reader, that’s for sure. ^_^