The Consort by MaddyCain (Hard R)

Feb 15, 2010 00:04

Title: The Consort by MaddyCain
Fandom: Tin Man
Pairing: DG/Cain
Categories: drama, marriage of convenience, angst, action, post-canon, harlequin, friendship, romance
Length: Extremely Epic (~115,000 words)
Warnings: minor character death (the Queen)

Author on LJ: n/a
Website: n/a

Due to the Queen's rapidly failing health, DG is about to be elevated to the throne. Only problem is (for reasons that do not bear repeating) she needs a husband/consort first. Fortunately, Cain is just the man for the job.

First I have to admit that, due to the reasons listed behind the link above, I was completely unable to reread the first chapter of this fic. I also wasn't thrilled with the epilogue, which exists entirely to set up a sequel that was never written. Fortunately, these two parts combined are less than 5,000 words and the other 110,000 words of this story are *sheer awesomeness*.

While I admit that I'm a sucker for marriage of convenience fics that tie together two enemies, I also love stories where two platonic friends find themselves bound together in a more intimate (but not necessarily sexual; absolutely no non-con or dub-con here) relationship. MaddyCain does a brilliant job of portraying two people who honestly care for each other, but who don't love each other. Their feelings do change, of course, but it's a slow-building romance, full of ups and downs and sweetness and frustration and all so very, very realistic and plausible.

Giving greater depth and urgency to the story is an ongoing threat from the Longcoats, coupled with a secret society that may or may not be trying to bring down DG. Palace invasions, border skirmishes, and deadly ambushes ensue.

Finally you have the characterization, which is perfect all around. While DG and Cain are both beautifully in character, the true stars of the show are the secondary characters, including all of the good guys from the series as well as a couple of appealing OCs. Of the canon characterizations, Az, Ambrose, and Ahamo (yay alliteration) are my favorites. All three are well-drawn, fully-developed characters who are a delight to read.

Sad at times, but overall sweet and laced through with more than a hint of fluffiness, this is an ideal fic for anyone who enjoys a well-written marriage of convenience.

The Consort (

genre: friendship, genre: romance, fandom: small fandom, genre: angst, genre: action/adventure, genre: harlequin, genre: marriage of convenience, length: super!epic, genre: drama, recs by jane, genre: post-canon

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