Leave No Man Behind by Clio (pg-13)

Feb 14, 2010 10:23

Title: Leave No Man Behind
Author: Clio
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: How I Met Your Mother
Pairing: Barney/Robin
Category/genres: Romance, Humor, Marriage of Convenience
Length: Medium (3000 words)
Warnings: none
Author's Website / LJ name / Links:
Posted at Yuletide

Author's Summary:
"So can I have your coffee table?"
"Like you can bring all your stuff with you to the Casbah."
"The Casbah is in Algeria. I'm moving to Morocco."
"Whatever. So can I have your coffee table?"

Barney and Robin are a couple that just lend themselves really well to the Marriage of Convenience genre, and this fic does it the best by far. It’s believable from beginning to end (a feat in itself for MoC fics), the characterizations are written perfectly, it’s sweet without being mushy, it’s snarky and fun and just SO THEM. An absolute pleasure to read.

genre: romance, fandom: small fandom, recs by k_puff, genre: humor, length: medium, genre: marriage of convenience

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