Blood and Anger and Revenge, by goldy_dollar and _thirty2flavors

Jan 10, 2010 12:34

Title: Blood And Anger And Revenge
Author: goldy_dollar and _thirty2flavors (collaboration)
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Ten II /Rose
Category/genres: Drama, Angst. No seriously, angst. See warnings.
Length: Long (31,025)
Warnings: Character Death
Author's Website / LJ name / Links:

LJ: Chapter One

Teaspoon: Chapter Index

Author's Summary:
Years after settling in on Pete's World, the Doctor must face something he thought he could escape -- Rose's death.

Sometimes you just need an angsty fic to end a long day, and this is definitely one I’d readily recommend to anybody. First of all, it’s reccable in this community (Long fics *with happy endings*, HELLO) so it’s safe, I promise! Other than that, I don’t want to spoil anything for you. Let’s just say that this fic is gorgeously and sensitively written, paying a lot of attention to the Doctor, with his new humanness, exploring what it really means when you can no longer just jump in the TARDIS and run away when bad things happen.

fandom: dr who, genre: angst, recs by k_puff, genre: drama, pairing: doctor/rose, length: long

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