Title: Once Upon A Time, Yesterday
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Categories: angst, drama, post-canon
Length: long (~22,000 words)
Warnings: none
Author on LJ:
Femme's Fiction Archive Author's Summary: "You've always been obsessed with Malfoy, Harry. That should probably tell you something."
Harry sees Draco again after two decades at Ginny's wedding.
Epilogue-compliant HP fics are somewhat of a kink for me. That's how I always imagined things for Harry and Draco would turn out -- married, not to each other, with children -- even if they had a "thing" back in Hogwarts or shortly after. Wizarding society doesn't seem any more liberal than its Muggle counterpart and Harry has always wanted to fit in, be normal. Not that I like the idea of people wasting decades not being able to be with the person they want, but there is something fatefully tragic about this sort of plotline that appeals to a part of me. Once Upon A Time, Yesterday is such a story.
Harry and Draco are wonderfully in-character in this story, which makes me actually glad that they didn't stay together the first time around; it probably wouldn't have lasted, what with them both being too proud and too stubborn for their own good. But now they've had time to mature and realize which things are too good to let go without trying. The ending isn't exactly jolly and fluffy with pink ribbons or anything, but it's full of promises and will make you smile.
Once Upon A Time, Yesterday