Save the Last Dance for Me by Dayspring (PG-13)

Sep 14, 2007 09:44

Title: Save the Last Dance for Me
Fandom: Highlander
Pairing: Duncan/Methos
Categories: Harlequin!fic, angst, humor
Length: long
Warnings: none

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Duncan's tired of getting set up on dates, so he pretends to be gay. With Methos. Seriously. Seriously!

Even if this story had sucked, I probably still would have recommended it, because there just isn't enough Harlequin!fic in Highlander. Ducan MacLeod's so damn serious, after all. And yet, Methos is just ripe for the romance novel picking. Every reaction he has in this story is awesome (especially when he finds out just what Duncan's done in the beginning) and yet at the same time, you know he's plotting his little Machiavellian heart out. Duncan, of course, never stands a chance (especially not after Joe starts chipping in). A sweet, charming story.

Save the Last Dance for Me

genre: angst, genre: humor, genre: harlequin, fandom: highlander, recs by jane, length: long, pairing: duncan/methos

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