(This is kind of sudden, but I'm sitting on a pile of Highlander recs and I'm still working through the SV and SGA Big Bang fics, so...)
It's Highlander Week here at Epic Recs!
Things to keep in mind:
-Recced stories can be any length, any fandom, and any pairing, as long as they fit the theme
-You don't need to write a review (unless you want to).
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I've spent most of the day glancing thru the Shield Brothers Arc with you in mind and I'm really not sure what to tell you. It does have violence but if you watched the series, you've seen it before. Lots of immortal on immortal violence - don't loose your head *heh*. There is a flashback... or two ... or three ... etc. of Methos' history, some of which contains rape, murder, mayhem. The violence builds over the 8 books of the series. Stormfront is the worst but it's also an incredible giant conclusion of where everything else was leading. Here's the funny - you can read up to Book 5, stop, and think you've got most everything. Book 6 has immortal politics, history, relationships and also a rape ... but not like you think. It's not off-screen but it's not exactly offensive or graphic. Oh, heck, I'm bad at talking around this. The guy deserves it ... kinda. Book 7 and 8 have warnings for a reason - there is a lot of pain in those books. But it has a purpose and tends to flow vs. following on the bouncing, bloody head of the tv show. ;) She doesn't concentrate on the violence - it's just a result of the, huummm, war, yes, war, that's occurring. But her relationships are complex, enthralling and sometimes violent but endlessly fascinating.
I know you especially appreciate a warning so - Character DEATH - but everything ends happy.
If you aren't sure if you are up for the SBArc, may I recommend you start with A Gathering of Angels, move onto Killing the Cat, and then try the Fate and Chance Cycle? If you enjoy them and aren't squicked by the immortal violence, I think you will enjoy the SBArc.
Hope this helps.
Man, I really am a wuss. :) But I'll definitely give the other stories a try and then maybe ease my way into the arc.
Thanks again!
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