Title: Double the Fun Series
Fandom: Once a Thief, X-Files
Pairing: Krycek/Victor, Krycek/Victor/Mac, Krycek/Victor/Mac/Mulder
Categories: Romance, Crossover, Angst, Drama, AU
Length: Super Epic
Warnings: The pairings should say it all.
Author on LJ: n/a
Infinitum Review:
What happens when a Consortium assassin spots his doppelganger?
An incredible amount, according to these authors. The Double the Fun series is one of the first and, incidentally, one of the few series to ever make me appreciate a multiple-partner relationship. This is saying a lot for me since I tend to avoid those kinds of fics as I find them a little on the unbelievable side. Even so, Double the Fun is equal parts fun and incredibly smutty - no lie, I would say 75% if this story consists of a sex scene - and also boasts an intriguing premise and crossover.
Despite the fact that I found the initial getting together of Alex and Vic a little, well, contrived since it happens almost immediately with little to no supposition beforehand, the rest of the fic and eventual inclusion of others in the relationship wasn’t forced and made me happy to see them so open and willing to share, love, and be together. While I wouldn’t say that this is, necessarily, the definitive Once a Thief/X-Files crossover, it does make a run for the finish line and made me scour the ‘net for more crossovers like it.
Double the Fun Series