An Officer and Some Gentlemen, by Y St. Ace (PG-13)

Aug 14, 2009 11:36

Title:  An Officer and Some Gentlemen
Fandom:  One Piece
Pairing:  gen, focusing on Smoker and Tashigi
Categories:  humor, action
Length:  Long  [~18,000 words]
Warnings:  some violence against OC villains  (although a real villain does appear briefly)

Author on LJ:  n/a
Website:  the page

Review:  Smoker is forced by his superiors to hob-nob with the rich at a formal party.  His long-suffering Sergeant-Major, who's had some experience with these parties before, goes along.  Together, they fight crime and good manners alike.

This is one of those stories that I didn't know I needed to exist in this fandom until I read it.  Grumpy, abrasive and common-born Smoker is a perfect foil for the rich OCs that Y St. Ace created.  The OCs, while I'm on the subject, are perfect for the setting and for the One Piece series - and how they react to Smoker and Tashigi, both during the party itself and during the melee that ensues when some criminals attack the mansion, is spot-on.  (Plus, I love that Tashigi was both practical enough and pessimistic enough to order a dress that would hide both wine and blood stains.  She knows that Smoker can't go anywhere without causing a ruckus!)  An excellent gen fic - even those unfamiliar with One Piece should be able to slip right into the story.

An Officer and Some Gentlemen

recs by trace_by_echo, genre: humor, genre: action/adventure, length: long, fandom: one piece, pairing: gen

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