The Most Unlikely Creature Imaginable by mahaliem (PG-13)

Aug 11, 2009 08:35

Membership drive bonus rec!

Title: The Most Unlikely Creature Imaginable by mahaliem
Fandom: Smallville/Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Clark/Lex preslash (Read: rampant flirting)
Categories: crack, parody, humor, crossover, AU
Length: Medium (barely - 2,100 words)
Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ: mahaliem 

How would the Lord of the Rings gone if Frodo was replaced in his quest by his adopted cousin, Clark? The answer is in the story's subtitle: aka How to Make a Really Long Story Short.

Hee! This is just plain fun all around. You've got Clark, who keeps trying to wrap up this whole quest post-haste, while Gandalf is too busy ordering him around to pay attention. Meanwhile, the poor Black Riders are having a *very* bad week, Aragorn is terribly frustrated by the way the hobbits keep rescuing themselves, and Lex Luthor pops up every once in a while to sex the place up (I gave this fic the PG-13 rating mainly for Lex's endless innuendo). A good story if you're looking for a laugh.

The Most Unlikely Creature Imaginable

genre: humor, genre: crossover, genre: crack, length: medium, genre: au, recs by jane, fandom: lord of the rings, pairing: clark/lex, fandom: smallville, genre: parody

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