Slave of the Heart, by Velvet Mace (R)

Jul 31, 2009 09:03

Title:  Slave of the Heart

Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist

Pairing: Al/Ling

Categories: AU, angst, romance

Length: Medium [~8,500 words]  Bonus rec!

Warnings: dubcon, some abusive power dynamics --> because of realistic portrayal of slavery

Author on LJ:  velvet_mace
Website:  n/a

Review: How can Ling be emperor if he can't rule his own heart?

Slavery is not sexy - not real slavery, that is (BDSM fans, have fun).  The popularity of "The Sheik"-esque stories notwithstanding, most of us don't think that the slaves and harem girls are having a grand old time, outside of Stockholm syndrome.  And yet, I can really believe in this romance between an Alphonse Elric who is searching for his brother (anime/movie canon) and gets himself caught by Xingese slave traders, and a Ling Yao who hopes to use alchemy to win the throne (manga canon) but who becomes preoccupied with the exotic Amestrian slave that's just been brought to court.  Velvet Mace doesn't dodge the issues of a relationship between a slave and his master, and because of that I respect the way she handles the budding romance.  Al is excellent as a teenage boy who is too proud and independent to ever think of himself as a slave, and Ling makes a wonderfully conflicted and maturing prince.  Fans of either character should be satisfied by the characterizations, and by the ending.

Slave of the Heart

recs by trace_by_echo, genre: romance, genre: au, genre: angst, length: medium, fandom: fullmetal alchemist

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