Baby Snakes and sequel, by Louise Lux and Daegaer (PG)

Jul 17, 2009 01:07

Title:  Baby Snakes & the sequel/alternate ending The Best Days of Their Lives
Fandom:  Good Omens... hooray, Small Fandom Week!
Pairing:  Crowley/OMC as background, but gen (Crowley and Aziraphale act married, though)
Categories:  humor, crack, mpreg, kids
Length:  Medium [~6,000 for all parts]
Warnings:  hmm, is snake/snake bestiality?

Authors on LJ:  daegaer and louiselux 
Websites:  n/a

Review:  "Crowley is in a tricky situation."  As in, he had some fun with a snake at the zoo, and it came with consequences - the four eggs type of consequences.

Is it mpreg when the character's temporarily a female snake?  If the premise didn't strike your eye, that's understandable - but let the authors persuade you otherwise.  Both authors have a light, breezy style that perfectly suits the crack-tastic nature of this collaboration.  Louiselux wrote the bittersweet first story, in which Crowley decides not to raise the babies; Daegaer wrote AU-sequels for a Crowley who made the opposite decision, and who is joined in parenthood by Aziraphale.  The stories stay perfectly balanced between seriousness and humor, and are worth the few minutes it takes to read.

Baby Snakes
The Best Days of Their Lives   Part 2: Twenty Years Later   Part 3: Fathers and Sons

genre: kids, genre: humor, fandom: good omens, genre: crack, length: medium, pairing: gen, recs by trace_by_echo, genre: mpreg

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