Human Condition by Jayne Finn (NC-17)

Apr 29, 2009 12:01

Bonus rec!

Title: Human Condition
Fandom: original fiction
Pairing: m/m
Category: friendship, angst
Length: epic
Warnings: violence, non-con

Author on LJ: none

Author's Summary: It's 1985. Reagan is president, The Cosby Show is the most popular show on television and the radio blares Shout incessantly. At the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Mike Ross spills some acid on himself in a lab and is rescued by football star Joe Lassiter.

Rumour has it that this story is unfinished. I couldn't really tell, but there is a perfect (and lovely) conclusion in chapter 10 and chapter 11 reads pretty much like a coda/epilogue.

While much of the story (up to chapter 8) might be categorized as "pre-slash", the slow but natural progression of the deep friendship between Joe and Mike is very well developed -- which many stories where the main characters just jump into bed with each other lacks -- and, to me, satisfying to read. Each chapter of the story starts with the present time before going into flash back, so you are always reassured that this story has a happy ending; you just have to ride out all the angst.

Human Condition may not be the greatest piece of fiction you'll ever come across but it will sure make your heart flutter.

Human Condition (takes you to the first chapter; subsequent chapters are linked at the bottom of each chapter)

genre: pre-slash, genre: angst, recs by meishali, length: epic, fandom: original fiction

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