Charting the Motion of Planets by Dasha (PG-13)

Apr 20, 2009 09:51

Title: Charting the Motion of Planets by Dasha
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Categories: attempted suicide, angst, hurt/comfort, pre-slash
Length: medium (~10,000 words)
Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ: dashamte 
Website: n/a

When Rodney is captured by the Genii and threatened with torture, he knows the only way he can keep from talking is if he isn't able to talk at all.

I can't believe I haven't recced this one yet. It is the single most memorable SGA story I've ever read (except for the freaking title -- I've actually had to request it *twice* now from ficfinder comms) and has more emotional punch in 10,000 words than most stories manage in 100,000 words.

There are so many things to love in this story that I'm not even sure where to start. How about the question of whether Rodney's sucide attempt is one of the bravest decisions he ever could have made, or is the coward's way out? Or the brilliant job Dasha does of conveying John's emotions through Rodney's POV? Or the way all of these trust issues wrench at your heart, even as John and Rodney work through their personal issues? Or the beautiful job she does with all of the secondary characters, who understand both sides of the issue and who give Rodney the support that he desperately needs (though they can't give the support he needs most)?

Heck, I just like *everything* about this story. In fact, the only way to make it better would have been to expand the ending or to write a sequel.

Final verdict: a beatiful, haunting, fascinating story that is pretty much guaranteed to hit all of your hurt/comfort, trust issue, and angsty triggers.

Charting the Motion of Planets

genre: pre-slash, genre: angst, pairing: mckay/sheppard, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: attempted suicide, length: medium, fandom: stargate atlantis, genre: science fiction, recs by jane

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