Whores Are Cheap (But Not For Zoro), by Alita Battle Angel (NC-17)

Mar 27, 2009 18:20

Title:  Whores Are Cheap (But Not For Zoro)
Fandom:  One Piece  [Bonus fic time!]
Pairing:  Johnny/Zoro/Yosaku - really!
Categories:  Humor, crack, crossdressing; *technically* prostitute, actually virgin
Length:  Medium [~5,000 words]
Warnings:  hints of non-con

Author on LJ:  alita_b_angel 
Website:  Obscene Obsessions

Review:  "Whores are cheap, Johnny and Yosaku, cheaper."  Zoro has just started out as a bounty hunter, but no-one prepared him for this crazy innkeeper and her insistence upon proper "entertainment".

Poor Zoro - he just wants food and sleep, but some old hag insists on including "delights" in the hotel price.  He gets two ladies who aren't, well, ladies at all.  Poor Johnny and Yosaku - they want to be bounty hunters, but first they have to pay off their debts, and this woman says that this is how the two need to work it off.  She'll know if they don't satisfy him!

Fun, and I wish that this was really how the three first met.  A quick and silly fic, that still stays as in character as possible.  Note: If non-con squicks you, then the foreplay before Zoro starts participating may be a no-go.

Whores Are Cheap (But Not For Zoro)

genre: cross-dressing, genre: humor, genre: prostitute, genre: crack, length: medium, fandom: one piece, genre: virgin, recs by trace_by_echo

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